Source code for piflib.pif_calculator

import collections
import math
import operator
import random
import itertools

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from piflib.data_util import calculate_distribution, complete_feature_priors
from piflib.entropy import create_conditional_entropy_table

[docs]def compute_cigs(dataframe, feature_priors={}, feature_accuracies={}, samples=None): """Compute the cell information gain (CIG) for all cells in the dataset. Find the risk (as KL divergence from prior) for all attributes. :param dataframe: a Pandas DataFrame object containing tabular data :param feature_priors: feature_priors are optional. It is a dictionary mapping the feature index to an assumed prior. If not provided, the prior for the feature is calculated from the global distribution. :param feature_accuracies: `feature_accuracies` maps the feature index to the accuracy of the feature. If not provided for a feature, it defaults to 1. :return: a Pandas DataFrame containing the CIG values. The CIG values are at the same index as their corresponding cell values in the input dataframe. """ unknown_features = 1 dataset = dataframe.values num_features = len(dataset[0]) assert all(len(row) == num_features for row in dataset) feature_priors = complete_feature_priors(dataframe, feature_priors) feature_accuracies = feature_accuracies.copy() for i in range(num_features): if i not in feature_accuracies: feature_accuracies[i] = 1 feature_counts = [0] * num_features feature_kls = [[0] * len(dataset) for _ in range(num_features)] for is_ in sample_is(num_features, unknown_features, samples): feature_kls_this = find_kls_for_features( dataset, is_, feature_priors, feature_accuracies) for i, feature_kl in zip(is_, feature_kls_this): feature_kl_previous = feature_kls[i] feature_kls[i] = tuple(map( operator.add, feature_kl, feature_kl_previous)) for i in is_: feature_counts[i] += 1 for i, denom in enumerate(feature_counts): feature_kls[i] = tuple(map( operator.truediv, feature_kls[i], itertools.repeat(denom))) return pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*feature_kls)), columns=dataframe.columns)
[docs]def compute_weighted_cigs(dataframe, feature_priors={}, feature_accuracies={}): """Compute the Weighted Cell Information Gain (wCIG) for all cells in the dataset. Find the risk (as KL divergence from prior) for all attributes. :param dataframe: a Pandas DataFrame object containing tabular data :param feature_priors: feature_priors are optional. It is a dictionary mapping the feature index to an assumed prior. If not provided, the prior for the feature is calculated from the global distribution. :param feature_accuracies: `feature_accuracies` maps the feature index to the accuracy of the feature. If not provided for a feature, it defaults to 1. :return: a Pandas DataFrame containing the wCIG values. The wCIG values are at the same index as their corresponding cell values in the input dataframe. """ cigs = compute_cigs(dataframe, feature_priors=feature_priors, feature_accuracies=feature_accuracies) cond_entropy = create_conditional_entropy_table(dataframe) weights = cond_entropy['H(X|Y)'].values / cond_entropy['H(X)'] weights = np.nan_to_num(weights) return (cigs * weights).round(2)
[docs]def compute_csfs(df, feature_priors={}, feature_accuracies={}): """Compute the Cell Surprise Factor (CSF) for all cells in the dataset. The CSF id defined as the change in probability for a cell value between the prior and the posterior distribution. :param dataframe: a Pandas DataFrame object containing tabular data :param feature_priors: feature_priors are optional. It is a dictionary mapping the feature index to an assumed prior. If not provided, the prior for the feature is calculated from the global distribution. :param feature_accuracies: `feature_accuracies` maps the feature index to the accuracy of the feature. If not provided for a feature, it defaults to 1. :return: a Pandas DataFrame containing the CSF values. The CSF values are at the same index as their corresponding cell values in the input dataframe. """ dataset = df.values num_features = len(dataset[0]) # compute priors feature_priors = complete_feature_priors(df, feature_priors) feature_accuracies = feature_accuracies.copy() for i in range(num_features): if i not in feature_accuracies: feature_accuracies[i] = 1 feature_csfs = [[0] * len(dataset) for _ in range(num_features)] for is_ in sample_is(num_features, 1, None): feature_csfs[is_[0]] = apply_to_posterior_and_prior( dataset, is_, feature_priors, feature_accuracies, calculate_prob_change) return pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*feature_csfs)), columns=df.columns)
[docs]def compute_pif(cigs, percentile): """ compute the PIF. The PIF is defined as the n-th percentile of the individual RIG values. Or in other words, the RIG of n percent of the entities in the dataset does not exceed the PIF value. RIG stands for row information gain. It represents the overall information gain for an entity in the dataset. The RIG is computed by summing the CIG values of an entity. The percentile value can be chosen between 0 and 100. 100 will return the maximum RIG value. Often, the RIG values from a long tail distribution with few high value outliers. Choosing a percentile value lower than 100 will ignore (some of) the highest values. If ignoring the risk of some entities in the dataset fits within your risk framework, then specifying a percentile value of less than 100 will make the PIF value less susceptible to RIG outliers. :param cigs: The CIG values of the dataset (see the compute_cigs function in this module) :param percentile: Which percentile of RIG values should be included in the PIF. :returns: the PIF_percentile value of the given CIGs """ rigs = cigs.sum(axis=1) pif = np.percentile(rigs, percentile) return pif
[docs]def compute_posterior_distributions(feature, df): known_features = tuple(col_name for col_name in df.columns if col_name != feature) bucket = collections.defaultdict(list) bucket_map = [] for idx, row in df.iterrows(): key = tuple(row[known_feature] for known_feature in known_features) bucket[key].append(row[feature]) bucket_map.append(key) bucket_distributions = {key: calculate_distribution(el_bucket) for key, el_bucket in bucket.items()} feature_vals = df[feature].unique() dists = {} for key, distribution in bucket_distributions.items(): dists[str(key)] = [distribution.get(feature_val, 0) for feature_val in feature_vals] return dists, feature_vals
[docs]def binom(n, r): """ return binomial coefficient: n choose k""" return math.factorial(n) // math.factorial(n - r) // math.factorial(r)
[docs]def sample_is(n, r, samples): if samples is None: yield from itertools.combinations(range(n), r) else: total_combinations = binom(n, r) if samples > total_combinations: raise ValueError('more samples than combinations') if samples >= total_combinations >> 1: all_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(n), r)) random.shuffle(all_combinations) num_produced = 0 feature_produced = [False] * n for i, comb in enumerate(all_combinations): if num_produced >= samples: break if all(map(feature_produced.__getitem__, comb)): continue for j in comb: feature_produced[j] = True num_produced += 1 all_combinations[i] = None yield comb for comb in all_combinations: if num_produced >= samples: break if comb is not None: yield comb else: already_produced = set() feature_produced = [False] * n while len(already_produced) < samples: comb = random.sample(range(n), r) comb = tuple(sorted(comb)) if (comb not in already_produced and (all(already_produced) or not all(map(already_produced.__getitem__, comb)))): already_produced.add(comb) for i in comb: feature_produced[i] = True yield comb
[docs]def apply_to_posterior_and_prior(dataset, feature_idx, prior_distributions, accuracies, fun): num_features = len(dataset[0]) assert all(len(row) == num_features for row in dataset) feature_idx = feature_idx[0] buckets = collections.defaultdict(list) bucket_map = [] for row in dataset: key = tuple(row[i] for i in range(num_features) if not i == feature_idx) buckets[key].append(row[feature_idx]) bucket_map.append((key, row[feature_idx])) bucket_values = { key: fun( calculate_distribution(bucket, accuracy=accuracies[feature_idx], feature_distribution=prior_distributions[feature_idx]), prior_distributions[feature_idx]) for key, bucket in buckets.items()} return [bucket_values[post_key][val] for post_key, val in bucket_map]
[docs]def find_kls_for_features(dataset, feature_is, feature_distributions, accuracies): """Find the KL divergence of feature values against the prior. We find the true distribution of the features taking into account the accuracy. We then compute the KL divergence. """ num_features = len(dataset[0]) assert all(len(row) == num_features for row in dataset) # one bucket per set of 'known' features buckets = [collections.defaultdict(list) for _ in range(len(feature_is))] bucket_map = [[] for _ in range(len(feature_is))] for row in dataset: key = tuple(row[i] for i in range(num_features) if i not in feature_is) for i, j in enumerate(feature_is): buckets[i][key].append(row[j]) bucket_map[i].append(key) bucket_kls = [ { key: calculate_kl( calculate_distribution(bucket, accuracy=accuracies[feature_is[i]], feature_distribution=feature_distributions[feature_is[i]]), feature_distributions[feature_is[i]]) for key, bucket in feature_buckets.items()} for i, feature_buckets in enumerate(buckets)] return [tuple(map(bucket_kls[i].__getitem__, bucket_map[i])) for i in range(len(feature_is))]
[docs]def calculate_kl(p, q): """Calculate D_KL(P || Q) (the KL-divergence) in bits. D_KL(P || Q) is the `information gained when one revises one's beliefs from the prior probability distribution Q to the posterior probability distribution P`. (Wikipedia, Kullback–Leibler divergence) `p` and `q` are both dictionaries mapping some hashable to a number. It is assumed that they are both normalised: their values should add up to 0. `q` must not have any 0 values unless the corresponding `p` value is also 0. """ return sum(pk * math.log2(pk / q[k]) for k, pk in p.items() if pk > 0)
[docs]def calculate_prob_change(p, q): """ calculate the change in probability for each element of the posterior compared to the prior""" return {k: abs(v - q[k]) for k, v in p.items()}