Weighted Cell Information Gain

The CIG assumes that the unknown feature is independent from all other features. Features containing personal information often have inter-dependencies, e.g. firstnames and gender, or postcode and income.

One can look at the CIG as the worst-case scenario. Nothing of the uncertainty of the unknown feature can be explained by the other features.

The Weighted Cell Information Gain explores the best-case scenario: we assume that all observed correlations are due to causal dependencies between the features.

Let X_j be the unknown feature. Then H(X_j), the entropy of feature j, describes the amount of information contained in that feature. The conditional entropy H\left(X_{j} \mid X_{1}, \ldots, X_{j-1}, X_{j+1}, \ldots, X_{m}\right) describes the amount of information contained in feature j, given that all other feature values are known (taking all possible correlations into account).

Dividing the conditional entropy by the entropy of the feature, we get a factor that describes what fraction of the information in a feature can not be explained by the correlations with all other features.

w_j =\frac{H\left(X_{j} \mid X_{1}, \ldots, X_{j-1}, X_{j+1}, \ldots, X_{m}\right)}{H(X_j)},

The wCIG is defined as the CIG value multiplied by factor w_j.

wCIG(i,j) = w_j * CIG(i, j)


Correlation does not mean causation. A trivial counterexample is the following dataset:









There is a perfect correlation between feature A and B, thus all wCIG values are zero. However, there is no causal relationship between the two. In fact, the CIG values are quite high, as all values are unique.